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The Dr Pat Morrissey Experience

I have no idea if Covid hero, Dr Pat Morrissey, has taken the outmoded and much derided Hippocratic Oath, but he strikes me as a man whose ethical fortitude obviates the need for swearing-in ceremonies. For it was he who put his career on the line to serve the best interests of his patients when the wider healthcare industry, all the way up to the WHO, was doing exactly the opposite. It was he who cut through the weaponisation of Covid by our globalist elites whose planet-saving gambit for Big Brother governance and radical behaviour modification was salvaged by a nasty but eminently manageable seasonal virus of dubious origin. It was he who defied the fanatical suppression of low-cost, low-risk preventatives and treatments which was the most distressing portent of an organised crime against humanity notwithstanding the deafening silence of our media. It was he who carried out his own research, flouted the WHO-inspired HSE stipulations and ploughed his own furrow to the consternation of his peers and the eternal gratitude of his patients. It was he who, in spite of his valued service, was fired by ShannonDoc for his public stand last week at the Protest Against Oppressive Government Mandates and Restrictions.

With courageous doctors and scientists like Dr Pat Morrissey sowing the seeds of a mass-awakening around the world, the propaganda, censorship, hysteria, intimidation and cataclysmic countermeasures are going into overdrive. This is all being driven by an artificial "casedemic" conjured out of a global screening campaign using subtly-rigged PCR tests. Much less prominent in our media is the maturing data which shows that Covid has abated and was only fractionally worse than the influenza outbreak of 2017/18. The fact that it was aggravated by the unhinged response and grossly inflated by misleading diagnostic criteria is a withering indictment of our susceptibility to scare tactics, the ease with which this can be exploited by both state and non-state actors, the unassailable powers vested in the WHO during a self-declared pandemic, and the medical profession's blind adherence to top-down directives which have clearly been subverted somewhere down the line. The fact that this mass deception gained traction during the summer lull owed less to the morbid fear of a resurgence and the inevitable witch-hunt than the corruption of government, media and academia by powerful globalist interests who, through the influence of China, were able to hijack the WHO and its surrogates in the absence of meaningful oversight. The fact that most of the planet is still locked into this madness after eight catastrophic, truth-revealing months tells us that this is not just the usual kamikaze cock-up of the century.

Dr Pat Morrissey's Speech

3rd October 2020, Custom House, Dublin

I'd like to start by thanking Health Freedom Ireland and the guys from the Yellow Vests for giving us this space so we can exercise our God-given rights to freedom of speech and freedom of association. I appreciate their courage in doing this. All the while, our rights are being trampled on by the government and an oufit called NPHET.

NPHET are completely out of touch.

The minutes of their meetings show scant regard for the general health of the nation. Their definition of health is Zero Covid. The real definition of health is mental, physical and social well-being where disease and infirmity are absent.

NPHET believe your health is determined by a swab result.

This meaningless data is just being used to subdue the people of Ireland.

I would argue that health is singing a song to a crowd like this. Health is playing a match or supporting your team in the stands with your friends. Health is getting married and sharing the day with the people you love. Health is being able to stand up here and see a sea of mask-less faces.

NPHET don't understand this. They can only think in terms of lock-downs. And they see us as just Covid Positive and Covid Negative.

When all you have is a hammer, all you see is nails.

In 2020, we are living in a country where everyone can be an informer and you can get into trouble for not following the latest arbitrary guidelines from the government.

I was talking to an old man during the week who was saying how he missed his weekly card game with his group of friends in the local pub. This game had been going on for over twenty years. It may seem like a trivial thing to talk about but it is social events like this that make life interesting and enjoyable for people.

This card game and the social fabric of the country have been taken away from the people because of a lie.

If you check out the HSE website, it says that the risk of death if you get Covid is 1-in-22. The true figure, if you get Covid, is closer to 1-in-300. And there is evidence that 80% of the population is not even susceptible to Covid. This is why the mathematical models they used to justify these lock-downs were so wrong.

And this is why Sweden is living free now.

There is no second wave of deaths. They need to stop the daily reporting of case numbers. It means nothing. The only numbers that matter are the numbers in ICU and deaths which are very low. When compared with other years, there were excess deaths from late March to early May amounting to about 900 and not the 1800 that they keep pushing in our face. There are now no excess deaths since early May and this is why the case number reporting won't stop.

They are just using it to demoralise and subdue the people.

My mother is 88. She says she is not afraid of Covid. She remembers the Second World War and then life went on despite the turmoil. There were no Panzer tanks in Ireland, but there was a killer that took two to three thousand people every year in the 1920's, 1930's and 1940's. Only in the 1950's did we begin to overcome this enemy. People contracted it the same way you contract Covid. But, unlike Covid, it took people in the prime of their lives. This enemy was called TB or Tuberculosis.

Back then there was no NPHET to lock down Ireland and shut the schools and the places where we meet and work. There was no NPHET to hijack the country. We must remember that, unlike TB, Covid kills people with an average age of 84. The average life expectancy in Ireland is 82 and 90% of the deaths are in those over 65.

So, by any reasonable definition, at this point Covid is no longer a health emergency.

We must take back our country and our freedoms from these megalomaniac bureaucrats. Dr Noel Browne would be turning in his grave to see what is being done to this country in the name of public health.

I speak from my own experience as a GP.

I worked in a Covid hub during the early part of the pandemic and I still see Covid patients in my own practice. So I've seen lots of it and a fairly full spectrum of it as well. For many it is a mild illness but for some I accept that it can be quite serious, especially for those with multiple comorbidities such as older-age obesity, heart and lung disease and diabetes.

In defiance of guidelines from the HSE, I use hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin and readily available vitamin D in combination for high risk patients that got sick with Covid in my patient population.

Hydroxychloroquine has been around for 70 years. It has been used for the treatment of malaria and autoimmune diseases. It is freely available over the counter in many parts of the world. With the arrival of Covid, we were told, all of a sudden, that it was a dangerous drug. I didn't believe this and I did my own research and I found lots and lots of evidence for it. There is even one study from 2005 that showed that hydroxychloroquine was very effective against the first SARS virus and this study has been cited nearly 1,000 times. I can say I took hydroxychloriquine myself as a preventative during the early part of the pandemic when I worked in the hub.

These medicines work. They are safe. I have treated patients who had multiple comorbidities, being very vulnerable, and tested positive for Covid. I treated them with hydroxychloroquine. When I explained the rationale and I told them that it wasn't licensed, they were delighted that I offered it to them.

None of these patients had to go to hospital; they all made full recoveries.

These cheap and safe medicines work if you use them early, not late. That's why they're so suitable for use in the community. I ask why is the HSE trying to tie my hands behind my back when all I want to do is keep my patients out of hospital.

The answer I suspect has something to do with money and influence.

No vested interests in Big Pharma or the corrupt WHO will make money out of hydroxy. Hydroxy is widely used in Switzerland, South Korea, India and Russia. It is no coincidence that the death rates are much lower in those countries. Ask yourself why Tom Hanks, the famous actor, gets this medicine when he got Covid earlier in the pandemic while, at the same time, his Australian doctors risked criminal sanction if they prescribed it for their own patients in the community.

Things are changing slowly, however. In the US, restrictions on doctors' prescribing hydroxy are being rolled back in an increasing number of states.

Obstructing access to cheap, safe medicine proven to save lives is legally indefensible.

As Michael McDowell, former Justice Minister and Attorney-General, recently said: the people of Ireland are getting the mushroom treatment. The government is playing on people's primitive fear of unseen danger. Just like the danger that lurks in the dark, this virus is invisible but fear is no way to fight it. Crashing the economy and crushing the morale of people with lock-downs and useless mandatory masks in low-risk settings is also not a solution.

Sweden shows us what life with Covid could be like.

And what about a vaccine? The government plan is to leave us waiting for God knows how long. The young of Ireland have been told to postpone their youth.

This isn't fair or just.

Now, when we are talking about vaccines, we all know that you can still get the flu if you get the flu vaccine. So how successful will this vaccine be? Will it be enough to satisfy the Zero-Covid fanatics in NPHET? I doubt it. And why the sinister plan to mandate vaccinations for the whole population?

There is no discussion as to why this new and drastic plan is needed.

We must stop the government's heavy-handiness and suppression of our hard-fought freedoms. It suits them not to give them back to us. We went along with the government strategy in March when we saw the chaotic scenes in Spain and Italy.

But now, we know so much more.

The curve has been well-and-truly flattened and the current measures are way more damaging to health than the risk of Covid they pretend to be protecting us from.

Every day in my practice I see the negative physical and psychological fallout of these continuing restrictions.

NPHET, as it currently stands, should be scrapped in my belief.

Doctors should be allowed to treat high-risk patients with immunity.

This way we can keep them out of hospital.

The daily case numbers must stop being pushed by the media in our face when our people are suffering more from Covid fatigue than Covid itself. The lockdowns must stop. People miss the camaraderie of sport, the arts and music.

It's time to stop existing and to start living again.

Ireland under NPHET's fear-mongering propaganda is getting sicker by the day.

I'm asking for courage in those with integrity — if there's any left — in the media and the Oireachtas. Because there is a better path for Ireland.

A path that promotes all aspects of health and not just the absence of one disease.

Thank you very much.