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Rallying Cry from Dr Andrew Rynne

The following speech was given by the indefatigable Dr Andrew Rynne at the Protest Against Oppressive Government Mandates and Restrictions organised by Health Freedom Ireland. In spite of the fact that Dublin was still officially under lockdown, my youngest son and I joined 1200 unencumbered and unmolested citizens at the Custom House in a carnival atmosphere where we were all infected by gutsy live music and courageous speeches.

Like many others in attendance, I recorded Dr Rynne's speech for posterity, albeit with a low-quality phone and a shaky hand. Alas, we are all aware of the social-media censorship regime regarding viewpoints that contravene official WHO policy on Covid-19. So, rather than uploading a sanitised version of this jittery video, and thereby losing its essence, I opted to post the full transcribed version on Blogger where the thought police are not so rampant. It remains to be seen if it will survive here indefinitely.

Having transcribed Dr Rynne's words into raw, unadulterated text, it gave a new impetus to his succinct analysis which pulls no punches in dissecting the Covid-19 insanity while putting our political, media and health elites to shame.

As Dr Rynne says himself, he is no spring chicken. But as soon as he was helped up the Custom House steps to the podium, memories came flooding back of his long and courageous record for campaigning against our rigid health and social policies. This made him a pariah in many quarters but ultimately brought about significant reforms in his beloved country. On reflection, he may well rue the fact that the pendulum has swung too far in the other direction. The Covid hysteria is the culmination of that same narcissistic trend which is ripe for exploitation by the few whose primal instinct is to control the many. 

I'm sure the irony is not lost on Dr Rynne that, because of his stance on Covid, he has been quietly disowned by many of his erstwhile supporters. They have ridden on his coat-tails without having to endure the wrath of Official Ireland which is now entirely on their side while intimidating the good doctor all over again in the autumn years of his life. I have heard despicable insinuations from the same quarter that Dr Rynne is "out of touch" or "starting to dote". But they, of all people, should know that a few creaking bones could never prevent this standard bearer of Gaelic passion, humour, musicality, discernment, humility, lucidity and deadly seriousness from living life to the full.

Although officially retired, Dr Rynne is still quite active in healthcare and has a sizeable following who depend on him for advice in these uncertain times. His boundless energy, well-oiled critical faculties and groundedness in reality will dismay more than a few self-described experts who are half his age. If we had a few more lovers of the common people in those humourless, controlling climes of the WHO, NPHET, HSE and IMO, our lives would be all the better for it.

Early in his speech, Dr Rynne refers to a Covid case mortality rate of 0.8%. Also known as the Infection Fatality Rate (IFR), Dr Rynne's figure appears to be quite conservative if I understood it correctly. Mature data adjusted for exaggerated fatalities earlier in the crisis puts the Covid IFR between 0.1% and 0.3% which is in the same ballpark as seasonal influenza notwithstanding its sharp initial rise. The actual figure will depend on regional factors such as climate, season, age profile, population density, prior mortality, general health, vitamin D deficiency and timely access to proactive treatment. Since up to 80% are asymptomatic, the general risk from Covid is quite low, especially within younger age groups where the influenza outbreak of 2017/18 had much greater impact. Dormancy and sewage analysis indicated very early on that the original lockdown could only have had a marginal effect. Therefore the decision to extend the lockdown indefinitely was completely unnecessary and caused far more harm than good.

Please be aware that Dr Rynne was speaking extemporaneously in front of a rambunctious audience. There were occasional interruptions and drop-outs due to applause. For the sake of accuracy and continuity, I have interspersed my own words in italics to fill in a few blank spots which detract in no way from Dr Rynne's sentiments on the day.

Dr Andrew Rynne's Speech 

3rd October 2020, Custom House, Dublin

Never in my long life — and I am no spring chicken — have I seen so many people so afraid of so little. They have nothing to fear. This is not a fatal virus. This is not a fatal disease. This is not deadly and I wish those morons in RTE would stop saying it is deadly.

Any virus with a mortality rate of something like 0.8% is not a deadly disease. Across the wider population, you are as likely to die from this as you are to be struck by lightning. Yet we have all this misery wished on us by a half-elected government which keeps blaming medical experts who never come out from under their rocks to let us know who they are and where they come from.

This country used to be a democracy. It was a democracy that was hard fought for. Sadly it is no longer a democracy. It is a dictatorship and a tyranny. If you feel it is wrong, it is because it is wrong. Trust your feelings on this. When you see people staring at you from over their masks, don't worry about it. Let them do what they want and you do what you want.

If you have symptoms of bowel cancer, such as diarrhoea or losing weight, and you have no insurance; if you are waiting for a colonoscopy, you can wait, and wait, and wait. You are now totally on your own. This government will not help you. The prognosis for bowel cancer is dependent on an early diagnosis. Every week that goes by, your prognosis gets worse without it being treated.

This is not right.

The same applies to breast lumps for women. Breast checks have been largely abandoned in the public health system. It doesn't matter any more whether you have a breast lump or not. If you have no insurance, you're not going to get a biopsy; you're not going to get anything.

Covid-19 is the only thing that this government seems to be capable of concentrating on.

As for this PCR test, where they shove something down your throat, it is very uncomfortable. I had it done myself when I came back from Portugal. It is not specific for the Corona virus.

Therefore, when you get your nightly dose on RTE of new Corona virus cases, such as 420 new cases the other day, they're not new cases at all. These are cases of common flu, head colds, corona virus and a whole lot of them mixed in, including traces from previous infections.

Equally deceptive is the death rate from the Corona virus — or whatever those people want to make it out to be. If you have chronic lung disease, heart disease or just had a stroke and you die, and you also have a positive PCR, then you are put down as a Corona virus death.

These are lies; they are not the truth.

Wearing a mask is positively dangerous. Surgeons gave up wearing masks years and years ago quite simply because they don't work. If surgeons don't wear masks when they are doing heart transplants and other serious operations, why should anybody else wear them? Not only are they useless but they are also quite dangerous. You are breathing in your own carbon dioxide. You are getting 10% less oxygen than you need. It's like being on top of Croagh Patrick.

To make matters worse, the mask is becoming more and more infected with bacteria in that warm, damp climate around your mouth and nose. Shortly we will see a new disease called mask-wearing pulmonary infection. In fact, we are seeing it already and I would say that more people will die from wearing a mask than will die from the Corona virus.

A lot of people have died for the freedom of this country. I'm talking about the people of 1798, the Fenians in the mid-nineteenth century and, of course, the men and women of 1916. They didn't die for themselves. They died for us. Are we now going to throw that freedom back in their face?

It seems we don't want that freedom anymore. We much prefer the slavery.

Thank you all very much.