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Showing posts from 2020

The Dr Pat Morrissey Experience

I have no idea if Covid hero, Dr Pat Morrissey, has taken the outmoded and much derided Hippocratic Oath, but he strikes me as a man whose ethical fortitude obviates the need for swearing-in ceremonies. For it was he who put his career on the line to serve the best interests of his patients when the wider healthcare industry, all the way up to the WHO, was doing exactly the opposite. It was he who cut through the weaponisation of Covid by our globalist elites whose planet-saving gambit for Big Brother governance and radical behaviour modification was salvaged by a nasty but eminently manageable seasonal virus of dubious origin. It was he who defied the fanatical suppression of low-cost, low-risk preventatives and treatments which was the most distressing portent of an organised crime against humanity notwithstanding the deafening silence of our media. It was he who carried out his own research, flouted the WHO-inspired HSE stipulations and ploughed his own furrow to the consternation o

Rallying Cry from Dr Andrew Rynne

The following speech was given by the indefatigable Dr Andrew Rynne at the Protest Against Oppressive Government Mandates and Restrictions organised by Health Freedom Ireland . In spite of the fact that Dublin was still officially under lockdown, my youngest son and I joined 1200 unencumbered and unmolested citizens at the Custom House in a carnival atmosphere where we were all infected by gutsy live music and courageous speeches. Like many others in attendance, I recorded Dr Rynne's speech for posterity, albeit with a low-quality phone and a shaky hand. Alas, we are all aware of the social-media censorship regime regarding viewpoints that contravene official WHO policy on Covid-19. So, rather than uploading a sanitised version of this jittery video, and thereby losing its essence, I opted to post the full transcribed version on Blogger where the thought police are not so rampant. It remains to be seen if it will survive here indefinitely. Having transcribed Dr Rynne's words in