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Showing posts from August, 2016

Unvarnished Fruit

"You can't handle the fruit" is a popular corruption of Jack Nicholson's climactic outburst in the movie A Few Good Men . Unless you're into exotic cocktails, this comedic twist might invite a more sober interpretation. Because there are still a few good men (and women) out there who will tell you that truth is fruit in the making and our endless capacity for self-delusion is our undoing. Strangely enough, these cold realists are no strangers to fuzzy feelings, fertile imaginations and divine inspirations. They will remind you, however, that when such imponderables bear fruit, hard truths are being confronted somewhere down the line. Of course, when things go pear-shaped for want of a timely reality check, we can all be wise after the event — but not so wise as to avert repeat performances when the lessons are long forgotten. Life goes on and our critical faculties are dulled by the verifiable fact that these bouts of insanity usually fizzle out without obliter